When Should I Call a Consumer Protection Lawyer?

If you have been ripped off, your first thought might be that it would be too expensive to hire a consumer fraud lawyer to help you out.  After all, the corporate propaganda machine exclusively pumps out the deception that lawyers are just there to take from you and overcharge you.  The consumer fraud lawyers at Consumer Protection Legal, LLC do not get paid unless we win a case for you though.  In fact, we typically don't even get paid a portion of what we win, like in a typical contingent fee case.  Our fee is usually negotiated separately and paid out by the defendant.  So there is no risk to the victim in hiring us to be your consumer fraud...

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Is Your Bank Charging Too Many Overdraft or Insufficient Funds Fees?

In recent years, there has been a despicable and increasingly used practice creeping into banks profit statements, overdraft fees.  Banks have felt pressure to raise capital levels following the credit crunch.  Since they have also become stingier with loans, one of the best ways to raise additional capital has been a backdoor regressive tax system of fee gathering.  Banks don't care how upset their customers get with this practice because it is not a perfectly competitive system.  It is difficult for consumers to remove deposits and shut down their accounts, particularly in light of the fact that many consumers maintain multiple accounts with their bank, such as revolving credit and mortgage or home equity line of credit accounts.  Thus, the...

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What to Do When Overcharged

Many times when a person is overcharged by a corporation, they are left with a hopeless feeling.  You can try to battle the customer service robot loop if you have the patience to sit there for 45 minutes trying to get a real person on the phone, assuming there is one.  This is not always a great strategy though.  What some corporations are doing now is simply dropping the call when the consumer presses the prompt for customer service.  It is a problem that is only getting worse.  With online retailers crushing brick and mortar stores with lower prices and better and faster service, malls and other big box retail stores are dying.  Rather than make it right with their...

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Why do companies keep calling me

There is a plague that is ravaging the cell phones of the consumers of our country, the robocall.  For some reasons, corporations have decided it is a good use of resources to have recordings automatically dial up every cell phone they have every been able to collect.  It must make economic sense for them to do so, I guess it doesn't cost any money for them to record a voicemail and then press a button to blast it out to millions of people.  It sure is annoying though.  And also illegal.  The class action lawyers at CPL have experience litigating cases against massive corporations for robocall violations.  There are many companies that engage in this illegal practice, and we are here...

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What is this charge on my credit card?

The class action lawyers at CPL are interested in any case where a deceptive charge shows up on a consumers credit card statement.  We have found that many corporations will attempt to slide in monthly charges without your knowledge or consent.  Most of the time, these charges are trying to get you into their subscription services.  The new business model of corporations seems to value subscription services over anything else.  Presumably they figure one sale is easy to make and can keep you on the hook for a long time.  They do deceptive things such as making it very difficult to cancel or even impossible to cancel, once they have their hooks into you.  The typical charge is fairly small. ...

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